We could give you a big spiel about how important social media is. But you already know this. You use it. Your team uses it. Your customers use it. It’s a big deal.
Chances are you started your Neora business because you tried our products and loved them (of course). You’re good with people, talking with them face-to-face. You have absolutely no problem showing them the products and how they’ve helped you. But, when it comes to talking about it online, it seems ‘harder’ to get people’s attention.
Well, don’t worry. You’re not alone in feeling this way. When the world is your audience, how the heck do you get them to look at you? Forget all the trends, buzzwords, and must-dos in social media, and bring it back to basics.
That is, to use it how it was intended – to connect and communicate, not sell. This is where so many companies go wrong. People see right through it. And when they click away, you’re as good as gone.
Here’s what you want to do.
- Listen to your audience
- Share messages that resonate with what they’re saying
- Enable them to communicate with you – for two-way dialogue.
Give, give, give…
Look after your followers by giving away something for free. It doesn’t have to be worth hundreds of dollars. It could be as simple as information or a place where your audience can come and be supported. By taking this approach, your audience will turn into brand advocates. You’ll have their respect, trust, and, as a result, their business.
Personalise everything.
Unsure how many social platforms to be across? Think about your own behaviour. Which channels do you use? Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat? Start here. You’re familiar with them. You know how they work and more importantly, what you’re looking for on them, as a user.
Let’s say you use Snapchat. Record stories and ask your audience to send you one back with any problems they’re having… or even just how their day’s going. No one expects to get personal Snapchats from brands. This is where you challenge how it’s being used to make you standout. Your followers will feel star struck. Trust us, it works.
Avoid doing what everyone else does and use social media as a one-sided, ‘look how good we are’ tool. Give away what you can to earn their trust. Encourage them to reach out to you and go that step further, to help them on an individual level. Write personal messages to your advocates, potential fans, and network influences – the people who you look up to in your industry.