3 Common Skin Mistakes You Might Be Making

By 12/12/2018Product

You know the dos of skincare. But what about the don’ts.

If you’ve been a reader for some time, you’ll know all about what your skin needs. But there could be things that you’re doing that are erasing your routine (and the work of your skincare products). You know that you should moisturise morning and night and that your skincare products should be natural. That the area around your eyes is delicate and requires a serum.

But apart from avoiding store-bought skincare products, what else should you do? Let’s look at three of the mistakes we see when it comes to using skincare products and taking care of your largest organ.

Switching skincare products because they ‘don’t work’.

Okay, if you notice damage to your face, by all means, stop using that skincare product. But if you’re thinking about using something else just because you haven’t seen a change, be patient. Skin regenerates itself and as it matures, it moves to the outer layer of the epidermis. This is the point where it’s exposed, before shedding. This cycle takes between four to six weeks.

Understanding this natural process is important when you’re using a skincare product. If you’re wondering why you can’t see the results of the skincare product, keep this in mind. Even the best skincare products on the market (hint, hint) take time. Allow your skin to turn over (a few times if possible) before you really gauge how your skincare product is performing.

If it’s a quality skincare product, you’ll start to sense how good it is based on how it makes your face look and feel.

Exfoliating too often.

While it’s important to keep your pores clear so your skincare products can do their job, be careful not to over-exfoliate. By doing this, you’ll ‘scrub’ your natural moisture barrier away and damage your skin.

That moisture barrier is made up of your cells, lipids, and natural hydration content – all serving important functions to keep bacteria out (and hydration in).

Be wary of how vulnerable the outer layer is and after every exfoliation, nourish it with skincare products full of antioxidants and vitamins.

Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase

It’s one of the most common fabrics, but invest in satin or silk instead. Most of us don’t associate trauma with a pillowcase, but this is what happens when you sleep on cotton. This damage aggravated by the friction of cotton causes permanent creases as your collagen breaks down.

We’ve got a skincare product to minimise this process: Age IQ night cream. The thick consistency protects your face against pillows and sheets. But still, nothing exudes comfort more than satin or silk, so make the switch.

There’s plenty of no-no’s, like forgetting to wear sunscreen every day… or waiting to switch over to Neora’s skincare products range.

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