How to Care for Your Sensitive Skin This Summer

By 27/12/2018Product

Sunscreen & your sensitive skincare range,

The two most important products in summer.

If you’ve got sensitive skin, it’s not just Spring that might have you sneezing and scratching. The summer months can also be problematic for your face, thanks to that hot Aussie sun we all love a bit too much.

This is why using a sensitive skincare range is essential, whether you’re a beach-goer or not. But, of course we all are.

If you are out in the sun for too long, redness and itchiness will follow, then the peeling. This is why protecting your face, post-burn, with sensitive skincare is important. The last thing you want to do is cleanse or moisturise your face with dangerous ingredients like alcohol or fragrance – components you won’t find in sensitive skincare.

Even if you haven’t been burnt but spent the day in the sun, your skin might be damaged. Usually, we don’t see the effects of sun damage until weeks, months or years later. The sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate the skin, accelerating the ageing process.

The body’s intuitive defence is to produce melanin, but this leads to dark spots on our face and body.

We call them ‘age spots’, but using a sensitive skincare product can minimise this process. You want to make sure your sensitive skincare has the natural skin-brightener vitamin C in it, as well as ingredients that lock in moisture. Some that spring to mind are sodium hyaluronate and aloe barbadensis leaf water. Vitamin E is another essential sun-fighter, as it protects the skin from UV damage and locks in moisture.

All these components are in our sensitive skincare, as well as a few blends that our scientists have discovered. You won’t find these anti-ageing ‘recipes’ in any other sensitive skincare range in the world.

You can learn more about these transformative combinations, but one example is SAL-14™. It addresses existing skin damage and adds moisture to it, using the super antioxidant bidens pilosa and mauritia flexuosa fruit oil.

You can see why we keep referring to this as ‘sensitive skincare’, can’t you? Our products demonstrate (and celebrate) just how powerful nature can be, targeting one of the major causes of ageing: sun damage.

Use sensitive skincare packed with antioxidants & vitamins,

Then follow a diet like this, too.

Summer is the season for creative salads, Instagrammable fruit platters, green juices and acai bowls. Treat your complexion from the inside (while applying your sensitive skincare every day) to double up on the goodness.

Try to follow a minimalist makeup regime. Once you’ve applied your sensitive skincare products, let your face breathe. Avoid clogging it with heavy makeup. ‘Wear’ that natural summer glow with pride. But always follow up your sensitive skincare morning routine with sunscreen.

If you’re looking for a sensitive skincare range that your body will ‘drink’ right up, start with the Neora cleanser and Age IQ moisturiser. Use your complexion needs to decide which other sensitive skincare products you might need, like eye serum.

Our tip? Don’t skip the IllumaBoost™ Brightening & Shield for that year-round, summer glow.

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