The Cost Of A Standard Vs. Anti-Ageing Cream

By 20/11/2018Product

We know what you’re probably thinking,

Is it really worth it, a good anti-ageing cream?

You know what we’re going to say. Yes!

When it comes to your biggest organ, your skin, you need to look after it with an anti-ageing cream. The standard products you find in the supermarket or pharmacy, while tempting for their affordability, do not take care of your skin.

Unlike an anti-ageing cream, the ‘drugstore’ options are cheaper for a reason. They’re packed with nasty chemicals that damage your body (and even pose a health risk). Ingredients like lead, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl, alcohol and fragrance.

We know, it’s scary, right? But, you won’t find any of these ingredients in botanical anti-ageing creams.

While you might pay $15 for a tub of moisturiser from the supermarket vs.

$50-60 for one in an anti-ageing cream collection, this goes beyond more than just money. You know the saying, you get what you pay for. And this is certainly true for your anti-ageing cream.

As we get older, we move out of the ‘cheap’ mentality,

And switch to anti-ageing cream.

It’s easy to disregard quality when you’re young. You’re not seeing any issues with your skin (apart from acne), so the anti-ageing cream is the last thing on your mind. But this soon changes as you mature.

You start to see changes in your complexion, even if they’re minor. And, more importantly, you want to look after your skin. You learn that the cheap products you were using were that price for a reason. And you begin learning about anti-ageing creams.

There’s still a stigma around getting rid of wrinkles, which it can make it harder to believe in the power of anti-ageing creams. Botox and other surgeries are celebrated by Hollywood and this message (that going under the knife) is the only way. It’s not.

But, this is why anti-ageing creams cost more than your everyday lotion. There’s real science behind the blends. However, not all anti-ageing creams are the same. There are different price levels, too. For example, clinical skincare that’s been tested by dermatologists can cost more.

It’s usual for all anti-ageing creams to be more than the price of a standard lotion. And it comes down to what’s in it.

If you’re looking for an anti-ageing cream used by millions around the world, try Neora’s Age IQ day and night set. It moisturises, just like every other cream, but that’s not what sets it apart. Every ingredient in this intelligent anti-ageing cream addresses both the existing and future signs of ageing.

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