Got Stubborn Acne Scars? Here’s What to Do

For the little ‘teenage memories’ on your skin.      

While you certainly don’t want to wake up to a big pimple on your face, there’s one thing that’s slightly worse. The scar it leaves behind.

Acne scars as frustrating because they stick with you long after the blemish has gone. This is why we’re going to remind you of the #1 rule of breakouts (and acne scars): don’t pick or pop them.

When you’re looking into the mirror and all you can focus on is that pimple, it’s hard. But, we beg you, don’t do it – because the acne scar will be a constant reminder.

You’re probably reading this having already noticed acne scars. Are we right? If so, don’t worry. You don’t have to book in a chemical peel just to get rid of those acne scars. There are natural ingredients that, when used for a period on acne scars, will help reduce their marks.

Try these cleverly-creative natural treatments for acne scars.

Take the time to educate yourself on the ingredients that your acne scars should be ‘scared of.’ They’re natural, so don’t stress. Your skin won’t experience any more damage.

  • Aloe Vera

First up, it’s aloe vera. In its most natural state, aloe vera is a potent source of vitamins that heal skin and fade acne scars (and other ones). It’s soft on the face and will leave you feeling like a baby’s bottom.

Look for skincare products with aloe vera in it, such as our Age IQ moisturiser set. Aloe barbadensis leaf water is a high-emollient source of moisture and hydration. It’s a great botanical solution to use to minimise acne scars.

  • Coconut Oil  

You’ll find coconut oil as one of the leading ingredients in many DIY acne scar treating solutions. It’s a natural moisturiser with incredible healing properties. Thanks to those essential fatty acids, your complexion will look clear, healthy and acne scar-free in no time. We have our very own coconut creations targeting acne scars, such as the coconut-derived surfactants. They’re sulfate-free and gently cleanse your face.

  • Rose Hip Seed Oil   

This is another healthy, acne scar-free skin secret. Rose hip seed oil is naturally restorative, as it delivers essential fatty acids and trans-retinoic acid (vitamin A) to the skin. Find a product with rose hip seed oil in it and those acne scars will be gone before you know it.

If you’re looking for a restoring skincare range, try Neora’s products under our 30-day guarantee. You’ll find the scars will go, but the pimples will never come back, either.

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