Minimalist Skincare Routine Helps Reduce Ageing

By 30/10/2018Product

You know the saying ‘quality over quantity.’

The same goes for your age-defying skincare products.

Flick through any magazine or scroll Instagram and it’s easy to get that FOMO. You’re being told that you ‘need’ all types of products. It’s easy to disregard the items that you actually need (like age-defying skincare products).

You have no idea what will help your skin, especially because everyone has different types of complexions. While it’s good to know what lotions, cleansers and creams are on the market, maintaining a minimalist routine is important.

This doesn’t mean you can’t try different age-defying skincare products to find out what works for your skin. But, don’t fall into the trap that you need everything you see. Learn about how age-defying skincare products work, the ingredients, and what your skin needs.

When you’re fighting lines, wrinkles, sun spots and discolouration, you don’t need a handful of age-defying skincare products. Just grab yourself a high-quality cleanser, moisturiser and eye cream. Speaking of moisturisers, the best age-defying skincare product lines have one for the day and night.

Your skin has different needs in the morning vs. night. And the lotion pair in Neora’s age-defying skincare product set, Age IQ does just this. When deciding if an age-defying skincare product is good for you, focus on the ingredients.

The secret to good age-defying skincare products?

Check the ingredients list.

We’ve said this before (and we’ll keep saying it). Curated botanical ingredients give age-defying skincare products their natural powers. And when you have ingredients like vitamin A, aloe leaf water and peptide blend in the age-defying skincare products, it doesn’t matter what type of skin you have – oily, dry, combination or a blend of all three.

These age-defying skincare products are tested by dermatologists (like Age IQ), so you don’t need to worry about relying on different bottles, based on how your skin is reacting that day. Better still, you and your partner can both use the age-defying skincare products.

While you might spend a little extra on good premium age-defying skincare products, in the long run, you won’t be tempted to spend money trying new, trending items. When something works, why would you need anything else?

Keep it simple, ladies. Drop those cheap bottles and go for quality age-defying skincare products.

You’ll save a little space on the bathroom shelf, too.

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