Don’t Be Fooled by Products for Different Skin Types

By 12/04/2019Skin Care Tips
skincare products

This goes against what we’ve been ‘taught.’   

Hey ladies, we’ve got something we need to tell you, and it defies everything you’ve read. Let’s say you have oily skin. You’ve been ‘told’ that you need to find skincare products to match, right? Well, this isn’t true.

We know. Shocking isn’t it.

Now, we’re not saying this is entirely false. There are skincare products that’ll be better for your oily complexion than others. For example, you’re better off with lotions, than serums. But falling into the trap of thinking there are specific skincare products that only you can use is more marketing spin than anything.

If you’ve been reading along with us for a while, you’ll know our rule: judge your skincare products on what’s inside, not on the label. Get into the habit of reading the ingredients list of every skincare product you use. That’s where you’ll be able to determine if it’s a good skincare product of your complexion needs.

Now, just before you get too preoccupied checking the ingredients list of all your skincare products, let us tell you one more (exciting) thing. There are skincare products that can be picked up by anyone. We mean, anyone. Oily, dry, sensitive, combination (or any other type), it doesn’t matter.

You, your partner, girlfriends, grandparents. This is the skincare product range.

How cool does it sound to have one skincare product set for the house? Everyone can use it, regardless of their individual skin needs. It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, lovely, it’s true. It comes back to our rule. It’s the ingredients that determine which skincare products you should use, not the label or even the brand.

Our skincare products range is botanically-based, yet is backed by science. Every ingredient we use in our skincare products serves a purpose. We invest decades (and millions) in research to discover breakthrough ingredients for our anti-ageing skincare products.

For example, the PhytoLumina blend in IllumaBoost™ Brightening & Shield PhytoLumina is a combination of the plant bioactives alpinia o icinarum root extract, physalis pubescens fruit juice and bidens pilosa. Use this skincare product for some time and you’ll notice a natural brightness and radiance.

You won’t find any ‘for this skin type only’ labels on this bottle. Our entire range is approved for all skin types by dermatologists, just in case you’re still unsure. But our best suggestion is to pick a couple of products and see the results for yourself. This is what our 30-day guarantee program is here for.

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