What Your Skin’s Trying to ‘Tell’ You and What to Do About It

By 31/03/2019Skin Care Tips
Acne treatment

Mirror mirror… how healthy am I?

Your largest organ is more expressive than you think. It communicates internal disorders and temporary issues with you – it’s just a matter of taking notice. No one wants to wake up with a cluster of pimples. But, there’s a silver lining. Those red spots on your forehead are your body’s way of telling you it’s time for a liver detox.

That’s when you tailor a general skincare routine around it.

It’s not just those embarrassing spots we need to keep an eye out for. Something as ‘normal’ as redness under your eyes could be a sign of fatigue (and time to add eye serum to your general skincare regime).

From daily 3.00PM crashes to hormone imbalances, we encourage you to look beyond your general skincare routine and learn what your body needs. No matter how good your general skincare routine is, no amount of moisturiser will hydrate your body if you’re just as religious about tanning.

Pesky Pimples

Using our acne analogy again, it’s easy to point the finger at the products in your general skincare products when you notice a breakout. When, in fact, you don’t need to change anything about your general skincare routine – rather, book a yoga class because stress is the culprit.

Check in with your thoughts and emotions. Are you anxious, worried or feeling overwhelmed? This is what releases cortisol, causing breakouts. Care for your face with your usual general skincare items, then follow it up with your favourite stress-busting activity.

Also, check your hormone levels. You could be abiding by all the general skincare ‘rules’ and keeping your stress levels low but, still struggle with pimples. If they pop up around the jawline, it could be a hormone issue. Don’t over-do it with your general skincare.

Puffy Eyes

While we still encourage you to add eye serum to your general skincare plan, it’s simply a band-aid solution, if you don’t fix the issue: poor sleeping habits.

Don’t accept that ‘everyone’s tired these days.’ Be as committed about your shut-eye as you are about your beauty and general skincare products. Trust us.

Be conscious of what foods you’re filling your plate with, too. Darkness under your eyes can also be caused by a nutrient deficiency or a lack of hydration. You know the drill: drink eight glasses of water with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Pigment issues

Have you noticed colour changes on your face? Haven’t swapped your general skincare products lately? Ask your GP to test you for conditions like anaemia. There could be a hidden thyroid problem occurring. Treat the root cause, then maintain it with the help of your general skincare.

Redness and Rashes

Have you suddenly broken out into rashes? This could be your body’s way of fighting off an internal infection. Treat your body to botanical general skincare and be kind to yourself. If you can, avoid trying to cover it with makeup. Let the rash breathe and book a doctor’s appointment to run some tests.

Don’t let any of these temporary issues affect your confidence, beautiful. Keep loving your skin with botanical general skincare and pay attention to your lifestyle.

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