Why Your Skincare Regime Shouldn’t Be an After-Thought

By 20/03/2019Skin Care Tips
Day moisturiser

Follow a gym routine? Create one for your skin, too.  

Do you know your skincare routine? It might sound like a silly question, but surprisingly, many people don’t follow a specific regime. If you’re someone who switches from product-to-product, opting for what’s on sale, stick around.

The thing about routines is they keep us accountable. When you take your workout regime seriously, going to the gym becomes a habit. The same premise works for your essential skin products. When you take the time to learn about what your complexion needs, you can be intentional about your essential skin product purchases.

You’ll avoid buying just any moisturiser or cleanser because it’s convenient. It’s similar to the way you wouldn’t consume just any food that you see. With your skin being your largest organ, it deserves quality essential skin products.

Avoid ‘essential skin product’ experimenting.

If you’re buying your ‘essential skin products’ from supermarket aisles, you’ve probably had to cycle a whole lot of mediocre solutions. Don’t fall into the trap of trying as many different brands and blends as possible. You’re probably going to get a similar result, no matter which bottle you’re picking up.

Did you know that there are essential skin products that work for every complexion type? Yep, it’s a fact. But the supermarket brands won’t communicate this. You’ll read labels like ‘for sensitive skin’ and ‘for breakouts’ and try to find an essential skin product that best fits your needs.

Some of the common reasons that might prompt you to disrupt your routine could be a lack of results, acne, dryness, oiliness, redness or tingling sensations upon application. But if you buy essential skin products by focusing on the ingredients, not the label, you’ll be able to maintain a routine with great results.

Take our Age IQ moisturiser, for example. It’s become an essential skin product for millions of people thanks to its curated range of botanical ingredients. Recommended by dermatologists, this essential skin product set combines the best in nature and science. It does everything that you need an essential skin product to do (hydrate, heal and empower), plus more.

What you won’t find in those ‘essential skin products’ in the supermarket are powerful, natural anti-ageing ingredients. With our range, the solutions are engineered to target current skin issues, as well as prevent future challenges. You’ll notice a harmonious, balanced complexion and it’s because of the botanical ingredients. Each inclusion serves a distinct purpose, such as the hydrating properties of aloe barbadensis leaf water.

Pay attention to your skin routine. Simply changing what you’re putting on your face and body could dramatically change how healthy it is. Once you begin using essential skin products like our small yet conscious range, you’ll see just how easy it is to look after it.

Get the ingredients right, use the essential skin products morning and night, and wait to see how these two simple changes can empower you. Wake up with a glowing complexion by using essential skin products that are both restorative and protective.

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